Now, doing any sort of resistance training, with free weights or machines, is good for you; you’ll get results either way. But the difference is that free weights will help you reach your desired results faster.
Why are free weights better? Well, it’s simple. When you use free weights, you work several muscles in one specific movement. Free weights allow you to work your stabilizer muscles, your core muscles and those primary muscles specific to each exercise. For example, barbell chest presses targets your chest but will also work your grip, back, shoulders, core and all the stabilizers in your arms. To hold the barbell straight and in a controlled fashion, all your muscles in your upper body are put to work so that the weight doesn’t come crashing down on you. Now, if you performed the chest press with a smith machine, you would only be targeting your chest, since the stabilization of the weight is being done by the machine.
Smith Machine Chest Press

Free Weight Bench Press

With free weights, you can work the same muscles that a machine works, but in a more complete and efficient way. With a machine, all you have to do is press against the resistance the machine produces; you don’t need to stabilize the weights or control the grip. But with free weights, you have to engage more muscles in order to perform the exercise.
Next time you’re in the gym, look at the fittest people and take note of the exercises they are performing. 9 times out of 10 you will notice that they will strictly be using free weights.
All you need to use is a set of dumbbells and weighted barbells to get fit. Free weights are extremely versatile and require you to engage dozens of muscles in a single movement.
Here’s a good dumbbell exercise that targets several muscles:
Dumbbell chest press works your chest, grip, core, shoulders, back and all the stabilizers in your arms.
So next time you’re in the gym, walk past the machines and focus on using free weights for all your exercises.
Stay tuned for the next post on healthy breakfasts.
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